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Nissan Sunny 15th Anniversary

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Sonosheet record with Vehicle Sounds and timeline of Sunny History

[In 1967] Sunny fever rages all over Japan

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日産サニー15周年記念ソノジート Nissan Sunny 15th Anniversary Sonosheet

乗り物の音 Vehicle Sounds

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● Bullet train ● Car race ● Pop-pop boat ● Ship's whistle ● Steam Locomotive (D51) ● Steam Locomotive (C62) ● Jumbo jet ● Concorde

Datsun 1000 red 1968 2-door sedan
初代サニー1000cc(B10) First generation Sunny 1000cc (B10)

B310 SGL with safety bumpers
4ドアセダン1400SGL(衝撃吸収バンパーは工場注文装備) 4-door sedan 1400SGL (shock absorbing bumper is factory-ordered equipment)


Thank you for the 15th anniversary of the Nissan Sunny.

サニーの歩み The history of the Sunny

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#Sunny History Timeline

Advertising tagline: Aiming tomorrow for people and cars (harmony)
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Sunny History Timeline

B10 key dates


1966 (Showa 41)
● November/The Sunny 1000 is released. A new era is ushered in for car life.
● The new era of the 3Cs (color TV, air conditioner, car)
● (Popular phrase) Shee, (song) Bara Ga Saita


1967 (Showa 42)
● April/4-door sedan released. Sunny fever rages all over Japan.
● July/Minor change to "Sunny, the active car."
● Group sounds at its peak. Twiggy comes to Japan, Mini becomes a huge hit.
● (word) Boing, (song) A World for Two of Us.


1968 (Showa 43)
●February/The Sunny Coupe, "Japan's most fashionable FB look," is introduced. The word "coupe" came to mean "Sunny."
Showa Genroku-Izanagi boom. Kawabata Yasunari wins the Nobel Prize in Literature. 300 million yen robbery incident.
●(word) shame, (song) Kaettekita Yopparai.


1969 (Showa 44)
● September/The luxury car "G" is released. Cars begin to be upgraded.
● The Tomei Expressway opens. Pantaloons and see-through looks become popular.
● (word) Oh! Amazing!, (song) Blue Light Yokohama.

B110#Key Dates

●10月/「Yes Sunny!」キャンペーン始まる。

1970 (Showa 45)
●April/1200GX is introduced, with the catchphrase "A car that feels, Oh! GX" capturing the hearts of young people.
●October/"Yes Sunny!" campaign begins.
Women's Liberation Movement, pedestrianized streets begin. World Expo held
●(word) nosebleed boo, (song) Kyo De Owakare Yoichi Sugawara

●4月/「ハナがたか~いロングノーズ」エクセレント 1400シリーズ誕生。

1971 (Showa 46)
● April/The "long nose" Excellent 1400 series is born.
● Bowling boom.
● (words) ganbarana kutcha, (song) Until we meet again.


1972 (Showa 47)
● January/New Sunny appears. Shishido Joe's family is delighted with the catchphrase "Nice, nice Sunny."
● September/Confidently announces GX5. It's a sports type with a full-fledged 5-speed transmission.
Sapporo Olympics held. Passionate panda boom
● (word) Henshin, (song) Seto no Hanayome


1973 (Showa 48)
● May/The new HB Coupe is released with the catchphrase "Sunny whistles" to create a stimulating image.
Leo Esaki wins the Nobel Prize in Physics
● (words) Chotto dake.


1974(Showa 49)
● February/"Inspection OK! Let's go!" campaign is carried out.
● (words) The Giants are immortal, (song) Erimo Misaki

(1975) 50
●6月/エクセレントに高級仕様のLB(リフトバック)登場。... そばにおまえがいないと…と甘くアピールするのは関口宏· 西田佐知子夫妻

1975(Showa 50)
● June/Luxury LB (Liftback) introduced for Excellent... Sekiguchi Hiroshi and Nishida Sachiko sweetly appeal that they can't live without each other.
Okinawa Ocean Expo. Sanyo Shinkansen opens.
● (word) Chikaretabby, (song) The scent of cyclamen.


1976 (Showa 56)
● February/Sunny gets a power boost. Excellent goes from 1400 to 1600.
Boots, quintuplets born.
● (word) I don't remember, (song) From an inn of the north

B310 New Sunny


1977 (Showa 52)
●November/A new Sunny is introduced in "Break the Shell/Spacious Sunny". Its spacious interior is popular.
Home run King no. 756.
●(word) Tatarija, (song) Katte ni Shiyagare.


1978 (Showa 53)
● February/The first EGI car appears in the 1400. The age of electronics begins.
May/City DX appears. Narita Airport opens. Tank tops.
●(words) Fever, nanchatte, (song) Tsugaru Kaikyo Fuyugeshiki (Strait Tsugaru Strait, Yosaku).


1979 (Showa 54)
● January/The fun-filled birth camp, 5-door sports sedan California debut. A breath of fresh air into car life.
● October/New Sunny debuts. "Come To Sunny Side". Four Sunny Side Girls call out, "Come over here." The slant nose and square headlights draw passionate attention.
Tokyo Summit held. Invaders
● (words) Tenchusatsu, The Age of Enthusiasm, (songs) Omode Sake, Ihojin.


1980 (Showa 55)
●February/No. 1 in EPA fuel economy for the third consecutive year


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